
I’m here to say that the golden rule for your apartment or house is to make it your haven. Why? You already know the answer – outside of work, most of us spend the majority of our time at home. It’s where we rejuvenate for the rest of life. I’m always surprised when I see a neglected room or house, simply because  it doesn’t take much to enhance these spaces and the effort and money spent turning them from ordinary to extraordinary will pay off leaps and bounds in the end.

Here are a few of my tried and true design & home living tips:

  1. Buy a really, really, REALLY great mattress. Your body will love you for it.
  2. On that note, buy quality sheets. I always opt for 100% cotton and look for the words “Egyptian long-staple,” “pima,” and “Supima”. White is always a safe bet, it will go with everything.
  3. Paint. Whether you go with a fresh dove white or a chalkboard black accent wall – pick a color that speaks to you and don’t be afraid to go bold.
  4. Stay organized. In many cases, less is more. Try your best to throw clutter away and keep clothes off the floor. Buy wicker baskets, wood dressers and shelving units with enough space for your belongings.
  5. Add crown molding! A crisp molding around the corners of your ceiling is one of those essential details in my book. It’s like basil on pasta or a bow on a present – it just needs to be there.
  6. Flowers and plants work wonders but I’d recommend looking for ones that are low maintenance and remember to gauge the sunlight exposure of your space. We love our fig tree and succulents.
  7. Last but not least, lighting. This is another element that will give your room that wow factor you’re looking for. Any type of chandelier can usually do the trick and while they can be pricey, if it’s a classic design you’ll have it for the rest of your life so the expense will be worth it.


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